Remarkably soulful songstress Kristina Shelden is a gifted singer-songwriter, performer and recording artist. She is disabled, has a blended nationality with an indigenous bloodline from the Dene First Nations in the Northwest Territories, and uses the pronouns she/her.
Owing to a spinal cord injury from a motor vehicle accident in 2008 that broke her neck and left her with chronic pain, fatigue, and debilitating nerve damage in all parts of her body, including - most painfully - her left hand, she can no longer play instruments as she used to and has had to adapt to a new way of playing and performing.
Still, Kristina pushes hard and refuses to let this stop her. Her voice is packed with depth, power and vulnerability, and she uses all of her experience to write music that is at times simple and sweet, and others, deeply impactful and moving. Kristina says, "There is nothing more fulfilling than hearing someone say how affected they were by my music and that they identified with it in their own personal way. This is ambrosia to me, food that feeds my soul."
You can listen to Kristina's music on all streaming platforms or download them from the music player on this website.
It is also available to download (below) for however much you are willing or able to pay. If you don't have anything to spare right now, don't worry! If you have a little more, fantastic! And thank you, it is very much appreciated. Scroll down to the below player and click on Get Single.
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Cheers! And I hope everyone is staying safe during these crazy and unprecedented times.
- All the best, Kristina